5 Fandom Friday: Things I've Bought But Haven't Read/Watched/Played Yet

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Things I've Bought But Haven't Read/Watched/Played Yet

I decided to split this topic into two categories, I figured it would be more fun. 

** Read:
1. Prince Lestat by Anne Rice- I've watched and read The Interview With The Vampire and I also loved watching The Queen of the Damned movie as well. ((I love ALL things supernatural and Vampires and witches were my first favorites)). Once I saw that she had written some spin-off's from this series, I knew that I wanted to read them all.
2. The Infernal Devices series by Cassandra Clare- I read her first series, The Mortal Instruments and loved the series so I decided to add her other work to my list of books to read just to see if I like them as much.
3. Social Marketing All-in-one for Dummies- I want to own my own photography business as well as make this blog a nerdy community for people to enjoy, so Social Media Marketing is important. I figured I would give this book a try
4. Fearless by Eric Blehn- This is a book about a Navy Seal. I love reading books that are based on truth in the military, and since I am already reading American Sniper and loved Lone Survivor, I figured I would give this book a try.
5. The Hobbit  by J. R. R. Tolkien- Do I really need to explain this one?

** Games:
1. Lego Batman 3 on Steam
2. Harry Potter Lego 1-7 on Steam
3. Borderlands for Xbox 360
4. Batman Arkham Asylum for Xbox 360 technically Mo bought this one and is letting me play it
5. Skyrim for Xbox 360

What are some things you've bought but you haven't watched, played, or read yet?

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