"I Love" Sunday's v.34

Hello dear friends and happy Sunday
I hope you all have a good weekend!

** I started my trip back to Germany yesterday and will arrive early this morning and get back into my normal routine. It was nice to find out that my boss is letting me have tomorrow off due to the jet lag. Lord knows I am going to need it after the traveling I am about to do.

** I have made some good friends from this two week trip. Several of who actually live kinda close to me. We've made plans to hang out again after this trip. We went to Moe's Southwestern Grill on Tuesday after my VA appointment with the general medical appointment, which was my only appointment this whole week. My friend Country, a guy stationed in Belgium, and I ate there while some others ate at Smokey Bones, which was in the same plaza. My order was easy, a Joey Bag of Donuts with fried rice, black beans, chicken, and regular tomatoes- this is what I used to order when I would go at Bragg. I love Moe's, definitely better then Chipotle in my opinion (less spicy food and more options for food)

** The flight from Norfolk to Atlanta was quite uneventful and I even had time to work on my Travelers notebook. After watching this video by Jenny from Pretty Planners, I have found an idea of how I want to set up my "planner" insert for July to coordinate with my journal and sketchbook. I spent most of the flight to Atlanta, and again on my miserable flight from Atlanta to Frankfurt (more on that disaster tomorrow) setting up my notebook. I absolutely LOVE what Jenny does with her inserts! She even has a shop where she sells inserts that she makes in this same style. She shared a picture in one of the planner groups that I follow about how she sets up the front of her plan book, how she details her days, and then what she does with the leftover pages.

She is such an inspiration to me and I can't wait to finish my own version of this plan book this month! She is also supposed to post a new video here soon specifically about these plan books, I'll share a post about that once I watch it! <-- please excuse the minor fan girl moment that just happened in this above paragraph. lol

This is a picture that Jenny posted to a Travelers Notebook Facebook Group. This is partly what inspired me for my planner for this coming month. The other inspiration came from the YouTube video posted above.

** Although I am supposed to be talking about this past week, I'm going to talk about this coming week for a second. I've been setting my notebook up for Kristin's Find Your Voice workshop and the #LittleSummerJOY Project by Jen Lake and Julie Gagen. I like planning and getting things all set up. Besides, it gave me more time to work in my travelers notebook. You should also read this post from Julie about using a Travelers Notebook to document #LittleSummerJOY project. 

** Been watching a lot of set-up videos and art journaling videos on Youtube having to do with my travelers notebook. I love this community and seeing all the creative people that share their stuff on Facebook. 

** Watched The Book of Life, The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies, and Penguins of Madagascar on the airplane last night/today. It was the highlight of the airplane ride. Like I said, post on that tomorrow.

** I downloaded some new games on my tablet for the trip. I don't know if these are in the iPad, I have a Samsung Galaxy tablet (this is the only android product I have) There is an Inside Out: Bubble Thoughts (which is like that old bubble blaster game we used to play when we were younger), Home Boov Pop (matching colored bubbles), and Big Hero Six Bot Fight (a bejeweled type game where once you make gems match then they do damage to an opponent- Mo plays a Marvel version of this game). They were a fun way to pass the time.

** I got to see a childhood friend on Friday. We met when I moved to Florida in 5th grade, she was in 4th grade, and we had the same bus stop to school. I hadn't seen her since my coming home party post deployment in 2012, but we've kept in touch through Facebook. She lived about 3 hours north of where I was staying in Virginia, and she and her family drove down to see me. I got to meet her husband and 9 month old daughter for the first time. We played in the hotel pool thanks to the weather, they were nice enough to take me to Target (although they refused to let me pay for my own Moleskine notebooks and animal crackers), we had dinner at Buffalo Wild Wings (again where her husband insisted on paying for my food), and walked around Barnes and Nobels. It was a nice afternoon hanging out with an old friend and her family. I really like her husband (they've only been married for a year or two) and am happy to have met him. 

please excuse this crappy iPhone picture. It was getting dark and for some reason, my phone doesn't always like taking selfies
** So my next love from this week is the whole thing on Marriage Equality, also from Friday. I don't care about your opinion on Marriage Equality, so if you don't like it please keep your opinions to yourself. If you are for it, please let me know so we can celebrate together. I like that this happened because I think everyone could get married. I've made the joke that they should all be able to be as miserable as straight couples. That is my joke. Honestly, I think that everyone should be able to get married, no matter their sexual orientation, because I think everyone should be able to be happy and share the same rights as straight couples. It also made me happy that this picture came across my feed, I just had to save it and now share it with you guys. #lovewins

.: Little Loves :.

|| Sweet Tea | Cherry Coke | Skittles | Animal Crackers | Chex Mix Muddy Buddys | Atlanta has free wifi where as Norfolk makes you pay for wifi | comfort food | new friends | BBQ Pringles ||

What are you loving from this past week?