"I Love" Sunday's v.70

Hello dearest Dreamers!!!

I hope this post finds you well.

I know that it has been a while since I've been on the blog, and there really isn't much of an excuse other then my fibromyalgia has been kicking me in the butt. I am going to cover the last two weeks for things that I love since I've been absent.

** We had another show on the 20th, this time in Wilmington. It was at a small hole in the wall pub and there was a small crowd. I am still really proud of the guys and how they handled the evening (it was kind of a nightmare) and they did a great job. I got some great pictures, which you can check out here.

** For these last two weeks, I've done my best to bring in lunch for Lee and I on days that we're both available. It's nice to spend the time together and not spend extra money. It's been as simple as soup and ramen and we've also had taquito's, left overs from the night before, and sometimes I just show up and hang out with him on his break.

** I finally got my desk area set up a little better, and I am loving it! I picked up a converter cable to connect my extra monitor to my laptop so I can better multitask. It makes editing photos a lot easier as well as listen/watch videos while I am working on other things. It's also been super helpful while working on my scrap journal this week. I'm really excited to have a better workspace, and there is a blog post or video coming up on my desk here soon!

** I had my first two group therapy appointments with the VA and I am kind of digging it. It's nice to be around other women veterans with similar issues to me and have things to talk about. Sadly they only meet Thursday mornings and throughout all of June I will be at class during these appointments. Thankfully she is going to make sure she has extra handouts from the sessions available for me to pick up after school every week. 

** Speaking of school stuff, I had a meeting with the Veterans Assistance lady through Fort Bragg and she actually told us a bunch of useful information. This prompted me to go get my student ID, my parking permit, I am going to get my school books tomorrow, I also got into my school email and have been in touch with my Math teacher already,w which has been super helpful. 

** We finally got Lee a dresser for his clothes, which has been a huge help because the drawers in the dresser that Amy gave me aren't deep enough for us to continue sharing a single dresser. It was delivered on the 20th and he couldn't be more stoked. I am pretty excited for him to have his own space as well. It's actually part of the set that matches the bed and my nightstand. I was definitely kicking myself for not picking up the dresser in the first place.

** We had a family fun night this past Wednesday. We decided to go to the local skating rink and we had an absolute blast. Mem fell the most out of us all, Lee only fell once for someone who hasn't skated ever, and I managed to stay on my feet the whole time. Amy used to figure skate so she was showing off the whole time. We had a great time though and we made the decision to make Wednesday's family night.

**  Friday was my friend's birthday party. We all went out to dinner and we had a blast. Nugget is one of my favorite people at work and we spent the whole night laughing and being silly.

** Lee and I actually got to spend the whole weekend together, which we've only done probably one other time.

** We spent Saturday in Raleigh together. We had to take our friend to the airport, so we decided to spend part of the day there. Lee got to go to his favorite drum shop, introduced him to Steak and Shake as well as Sam Ash, and we also went to Guitar Center. I took him to Steak and Shake and he loved it and we also went to their Micheal's. It was just nice to spend the day together doing stuff. We also watched Zootopia yesterday evening. And we both called our parents ((hi Mom))

** Today has been a very lazy day for us both. We left long enough to go to Walmart for some hygiene stuff (I've had this cold sore for about a week and it's annoying me) and check out Hot Topic's Memorial Day sale. He also took me to our Michaels to look for some new alpha stickers. I've spent a good portion of the day working on my scrap journal. He's played his current favorite video game for most of the day. It's been nice to spend the day together doing nothing, in our pajama's.

.: Little Loves :.

|| Oreo Milkshakes | our friends | Mountain Dew Pitch Black | Papermate Flair pens | YouTube | planning | making dinner ||

What are you loving from this past week or two?