Thanksgiving 2015
Hello my dearest friends and readers!
I hope this post finds you well!
Today is a day of family and thanks and being together.
This is my last couple of days here in Germany and I am spending this holiday with my "family" here
These people are my best friends here, which I consider as family.
I am pretty impressed with myself this month,
every day this month I have written down at least one thing in my monthly insert that I am thankful for, I've managed to keep up to date on this little project, which makes me beyond happy!
I hope that you all have someone to spend Thanksgiving with
someone to celebrate with, good food, and togetherness!
Today, I am thankful for my German friends and family.
For all the fun times we've had together
all the dinners and adventures
and just times spent chilling out doing nothing.
What are you thankful for this year?